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Jenni from Finnland/Jenni来自芬兰

Jenni from Finnland

For me Sweden is an amazing place and a place I would love to go when I need a break!

I have been visiting Sweden many times because of the modern, historic city—Stockholm and the wonderful nature, and of course the enjoyable activities with Johan & Jing!

With 4 seasons changing, i will experience new adventures in every different season. But there is one thing always same--fresh air.

As we are Finnish, Swedish are friendly and honest folk. When I travel here, i feel myself welcomed.

To conclude, Sweden is all about friendly people, interesting places to visit and filled with fresh-air forests and captivating nature!


瑞典(中国时间) 周一至周日:13:00-22:00
中国时间 周一至周日:09:00-21:00
